Industriforskerskolen byr på System Engineering
Sted: Bergseminaret Auditoriesalen Arr: Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (USN)
  • torsdag - 20. Juni 12:00 - 13:00
Tilbake til programmet

The session starts with a short presentation (3 min) of the Industrial Research School in Complex Systems (INRESCOS) followed by 3 student presentations on the topic of System Engineering. QA after the presentations (approx. 10 min)

Human Systems Integration in unmanned systems through conceptual modeling and data sense-making by Tommy Langen

Systems are becoming increasingly complex. Having human operators integrated with autonomous solutions imposes challenges for engineers developing such socio-technical systems. This research examines how the industry can utilize conceptual models and data sense-making techniques during a human systems integration approach in the early product development phase.

Utilizing Big data within early phase of the New Product Development Process (NPD) by Ali Haytham

Use of feedback data in terms of failure data in the early phase product development process to enhance data-driven decision-making. Use of conceptual modeling and data analysis to guide and support each other in an iterative and recursive manner.

Use of Automation Processes for Detection of Emergent Behavior during Systems Integration Testing by Rune Andre Haugen

The research is about use of automation processes for detection of emergent behavior during systems integration testing. The Ph.d. candidate will conduct action research using the industry-as-laboratory. The goal of the PhD project is to establish a set of "best practices" for detection og weak emergent behavior in engineered complicated systems using case studies as "proof of concepts".

Denne sesjonen er på norsk.

Professor Kristin Falk og prosjektleder Monica Fagerli er ansvarlige for dette arrangementet.