Tech & Sust: Impacts of new tech & Digitalization
Sted: Quality Hotel Grand Kongsberg Arr: GKN Aerospace Norge, Konsgberg Maritime, Kongsberg Innovation, TechnipFMC and Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace
  • torsdag - 20. Juni 12:30 - 13:45
  • Rullestoltilpasset lokale
  • Rullestoltilpasset WC
Tilbake til programmet
  • Use of AI - by Jon Ecklöf GKN Aerospace Sweden

Internationally engaged as a speaker on AI leadership and as an executive coach with a specialization in behavioral biology. Jon works as Chief Data & Analysis Officer at GKN Aerospace with a Master in Laws and a PhD in AI. Since his career has evolved from law to leadership positions in AI and data, his skillset spans technical, strategic, and commercial expertise.

  • The intelligence threat and sanctions - by the Norwegian Police Security Service

The Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) is Norway’s domestic intelligence and security service. PST’s main task is to prevent and investigate serious crimes that threaten national security. Based on the annual National Threat Assessment this service will provide you with the current threats against companies, suppliers and sub-contractors.

  • Secure communication - by Julie Winther-Larsen Skytale

Julie is co-founder of Skytale who delivers a secure communication platform for B2B.

  • Digital solutions saving lives in Ukraine by Eirik Holmstrøm CMO Medic tool

Eirik is a former Flight Paramedic and Critical Care Air Transport team Medical Crew Director from the Norwegian Armed Forces. He was one of the founders of the NATO Special Operation Combat Medic education in Pfullendorf, Germany. He has a diploma in tropical Nursing from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He has been deployed in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan on the ground and as a flight Paramedic. More than 35 years in military and civilian prehospital medical services. He is currently the CMO for Medic Tool with focus on "How to improve Casualty Documentation" from the point of injury for the next Generation Medic. Medic tool supports more than 600 medics in Ukraine with their lif&