The program committee's mandate is to shape the main direction of the technology festival, and in this way show what Kongsberg Agenda puts highest on the agenda for 2024. Other organizers can use this as a guideline for designing their own events and activities.
The world has neither become calmer nor easier in the months that have passed since Kongsberg Agenda 2023. When our ambition is to be Norway's most important technology festival, we must succeed in finding our place in that landscape. We must be relevant against today's serious backdrop, while at the same time allowing room for optimism and putting the spotlight on solutions, says program manager Anne Cecilie Lund-Andersen.
Crazy commitment
I am proud and grateful that this extraordinary group is coming together to create the best technology festival Norway has ever seen! Here, there is a combination of power, wisdom, vision, knowledge, experiences, networks and crazy commitment, says committee chair Liv Dingsør.
The deadlines are short, but Dingsør is confident that the program committee will reach the milestones that have been set.
The goal is to raise the bar and ambitions together. At the same time, this meeting place should be experienced as relevant, useful and inclusive for many different target groups. I am convinced that we will achieve this, together with all the other expertise communities that are involved in and around Kongsberg Agenda, says Dingsør
Important milestones
The program committee will meet for the first time in week 45, much earlier than for the festival in 2023. The main direction should be ready by mid-January. Also new this year is that a date has been set for when the program itself will be ready from the committee, February 15, but some adjustments may come. Registration for events will also open on February 15.
The main program will embrace the main direction, while other organizers and actors themselves are quite free to focus with their own technology glasses on the topics they themselves believe are relevant.
This is the main program committee:
Liv Dingsør - head of the program committee, CEO Digital Norway
Liv Dingsør is CEO of the non-profit organization DigitalNorway, which works to accelerate digitalization in Norway. She has held management positions in DNB, Aker ASA, FSN Capital/Pm Retail, Nordic Innovation Group and Inviso. She is chairwoman of Inventas and board member of Hexagon Composites. Dingsør is a former board member of the Snowboard Association. She holds a Master of Science in Economics from NHH. Dingsør has participated in a number of public councils and committees related to the data economy. She is passionate about the power of data and technology for the broad spectrum of business and industry, and for increased public-private collaboration.
Foto: Ilja C. Hendel
Jo Eikeland Roland - Head of Technology Policy at Abelia
Abelia is NHO's national association for knowledge and technology companies. Jo Eikeland Roland also has 12 years of experience from the Telenor Group, both in Asia and the Nordic countries, as an advisor and manager within strategy and communications. He has also worked at Geelmuyden.Kiese and for Q-free ASA. Roland holds a degree in civil engineering from NTNU and will complete an MBA from NHH in 2023.
Shahzad Rana - technologist
Shahzad Rana is a former CTO at Microsoft Norway. Rana is an active debater and speaker. He is passionate about how companies and public agencies can use technology to realize their visions. Rana also has extensive experience as a serial entrepreneur in the industry, and started his first company in 1993 in the wake of the technological shift that occurred from MS-DOS to Microsoft Windows. He has spent his entire working career in the ICT industry. Rana is also part of the Digital Norway Advisory Board.
Anders Dahlgren - CEO HTS Dynamics
Anders Dahlgren is CEO of HTS Dynamics, one of Norway's largest Manufacturing-as-a-Service companies, specializing in machining critical mechanical components for the global subsea industry. He holds a degree in Business Administration, with a background in management consulting and several management positions in Norwegian business. Dahlgren is passionate about shaping the Norwegian industrial adventure and has a particularly strong commitment to how the Norwegian supplier industry can build competitive advantage in the green shift.
Eirik Hågensen - principal of Viken Vocational School
Eirik Hågensen is the principal of Norway's largest public institution within higher vocational education; Viken Vocational School. Viken Vocational School works with work-related educational solutions that are flexible and meet the working world's need for lifelong learning within many areas of expertise. Hågensen has a background from the navy, the Norwegian Coastal Administration, Kongsberg Maritime and the vocational school sector, in various management positions where the "common thread" has been competence and development. He is a trained sea captain and has subsequently upgraded his education with educational management and project management at BI. Hågensen also holds various board positions.
Marianne Danielsen - Head of People and Organizational Development at Inventas
Marianne Danielsen heads the People and Organizational Development department at Inventas. She holds a Master of Science in Economics and has experience in product development, management and communication from Norwegian industrial companies such as Jordan as and Intra as. She owned and operated the consulting company Engasjert Byrå for 12 years and is a board member of NKI and Corporate Good. Danielsen is curious about people and technology, likes to have an unconventional approach to change and calls herself a behavior nerd. Now she is using everything she can as a basis to develop Inventas into the dream workplace.
Foto: Moment Studio
Vegard Einan - Regional Director of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (NHO) Viken Oslo
Vegard Einan is the regional director of NHO Viken Oslo. He was previously State Secretary in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs for the Conservative Party from 2019 to 2021. From October 2021 to February 2023, he was a senior advisor at the PR agency Zynk in Oslo. Einan has also been deputy chairman and later union chairman of the trade union organization Parat in YS, from 2008 to 2019.
Vincent Fleischer - Sintef
Vincent Fleischer - Director of Strategy and Communications SINTEF
Vincent Fleischer is responsible for the strategy and communication work at SINTEF. He also leads the work to collect experiences from the use of public funds for research and innovation, and to advise the authorities on future policy design based on this. Fleischer has broad experience from strategy work, including in Innovation Norway and the Boston Consulting Group. He also has extensive experience from policy design in both the Ministry of Trade, Industry and the Ministry of Local Government. Fleischer holds an MBA from the Norwegian School of Economics, NHH, Bergen, and a Cand.polit. in Economic Geography from the University of Oslo.
Barbara Wasson - professor UiB and director SLATE
Professor Dr. Barbara Wasson is the Director of the Centre for Science on Learning and Technology (SLATE), the Norwegian national centre for learning analytics. She was one of the founders of Kaleidoscope, a European network for excellence in technology-enhanced learning. Wasson is/has been PI for a number of national and international projects, including the Erasmus+ project DALI: Data Literacy for Citizens. She is a member of the Ministry of Education and Research’s Expert Group on Learning Analytics, the Council of Europe’s Expert Group on AI in Education, and Norway’s representative in the European School Net’s Data Interest Group. Her research interests include learning analytics, AI and education, learning games, e-assessment, teacher surveys and data literacy.
Bernt Reitan Jenssen - CEO Ruter
Bernt Reitan Jenssen has a long experience as a leader of large corporations, and is known as a leader with a great willingness to change and adapt. He has led Ruter AS since the company was founded in 2008, as a joint management company for public transport in Oslo and Akershus. Before this, Jenssen was Executive Vice President of Posten Norge for eight years. He has also been CEO of the logistics companies TNT Norge AS and IL-X Budservice AS. Jenssen has also served on the government's independent expert committee - technology and future transport infrastructure, as well as on the Ministry of Transport and Communications' Mobility and Technology Council. Jenssen has a degree in economics from BI.
Anne Cecilie Lund-Andersen - program manager, director of public relations & crisis communication Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace
Anne Cecilie Lund-Andersen is the program manager for Kongsberg Agenda and the project group's representative on the main program committee. She is a trained journalist and political scientist, and has worked with journalism, communication and public relations throughout her career. Lund-Andersen has previously held positions related to communication and information management in the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Norwegian Confederation of Trade and Industry, Aker Solutions and Kongsberg Gruppen. She also has a background as a senior advisor in the communications agency Kruse Larsen, and as a journalist in Oppland Arbeiderblad, Dagens Næringsliv and Aftenposten.