Create your own Agenda and get an overview of everything that is happening and where it is happening.

Download your Kongsberg Agenda App
Download your Kongsberg Agenda App
Get a full overview of what's happening, where it's happening and when it's happening!
Log in with existing or register a new app user
If you have an existing app or organizer user, log in with this. If not, register a new user here.
Get an overview
Use the app to get an overview of hundreds of events.
Create your own Agenda
By marking your favorite events.
Join the debate
Engage in real issues by answering polls and seeing what others think.
Find Forward
Easily find your way to all event locations.
Expand your network
By wearing an Agenda name tag around your neck, you increase your chances of getting in touch with a sideman. Maybe this could be a valuable new contact?
Fill out your complete profile information in the app by June 10th and receive your Agenda name tag. Can be picked up at the information stand marked with a yellow and black I on the map.

Download the app and create your own Agenda
Download the app and create your own Agenda
Get an overview of everything that's happening, when it's happening and where it's happening at the technology festival Kongsberg Agenda.