A crazy partner strategy is taking shape
Samarbeidspartnere i 2023

Now is the time to jump on the Agenda plane!

Kongsberg Agenda has grown at record speed and we have no plans to slow down in 2024. New this year is a well-thought-out partner strategy that will be experienced as both professional, useful and inviting. The strategy is being shaped to provide the best possible benefit for our partners, ourselves and those who will experience Kongsberg Agenda as visitors. Here is a first taste of what is being worked on:

Norway's most important technology festival

When Wivi-Ann, Sverre and Tale briefly summarize what the strategy is working towards, we can say that the limitations have been omitted:

We will include the leading technology companies, relevant interest organizations and expertise players in Norway to take the position as Norway's most important technology festival in all industries. The partners give Agenda credibility, content and implementation resources, which is why we are actively working forward to become the highlight of the year for precisely these players. We will also ensure local anchoring through local partnerships. Kongsberg Agenda will be, and will be, a wild technology experience in 2024 that our partners are proud to be an enormously important part of.

Four levels

The partner strategy is based on four levels that are scaled according to the type of financial contribution the player wants to put into the pot. The more money, the more benefits. Pretty straight forward. This overview should make it easier for both parties to ensure that expectations are met both before, during and after the event. The content of the levels is being tailored these days.

Why should you become a partner?

As a partner of Kongsberg Agenda, you will receive the following benefits:

  • As a partner, you will actively help set the Agenda
  • Digital visibility in Kongsberg Agenda's channels
  • Physical visibility during the technology festival itself
  • Invitation to exclusive partner events

Shall we get the plane? IT'S UP TO YOU!

Behind the scenes, we are also working on a partner trip that will sweep most of the field. If we get this off the ground, it will be all Texas! This is borne solely by how quickly we get this year's partners on the list. Have you already realized that Kongsberg Agenda 2024 is something you simply HAVE to be a part of? Well then there's no reason to wait to get in touch. Excited about where we're aiming to travel? The hint is hidden somewhere in this text.

Join the fun! Get in touch!