Full throttle on the BAE stage

Never before has the program on the BAE stage been as varied and diverse as it is this year. The interest among various actors has been great, and work is now underway with both interesting lectures, stage talks, discussions and mingling.

There is a packed program on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and there are several actors from the industry collaborating on the program.

Wednesday will be a day with a spotlight on facilities and civil engineering, where the industry organization MEF (Maskinentrepreneurørenes Forbund), the consulting company Norconsult and other actors will talk about regulations, sustainability and technology, says manager Knut Skarpmoen of Norconsult Kongsberg and the surrounding area. Skarpmoen is part of the programming group.

On Thursday, the focus will be on the energy situation, where the industry organization Nelfo (NHO) and some exciting technology companies will present opportunities and challenges.

On Friday, in addition to a packed professional program, there will be an exhibition of tools, equipment and machines in the backyard. The day, which is dedicated to the skilled worker, ends with a big industry party.

- You should be proud to work in the field! Through interesting presentations from the stage, we want to raise knowledge about technologies that affect everyday work, talk about why, dispel myths, demonstrate technology, and create engagement, says Skarpmoen.

Among the players who will be on stage this day are BDO, POB, Volmax, Volvo Norge, Kongsberg Entreprenør, Isachsen Anlegg, IMARA and Norconsult.

- We want to stimulate better collaboration, share lessons learned from completed projects - simply build trust between the parties and create trust in technology. A warm welcome to the BAE stage during Kongsberg Agenda, concludes Skarpmoen.

See all the events on the BYGG, ANLEGG and EIENDOM stage