Harald Solberg - Adm.dir Norsk Industri
Agenda is a very relevant meeting place for us
- Kongsberg Agenda is a meeting place that meets many people who are concerned about the same things we are concerned about: an internationally competitive Norwegian industry. At the same time, we also meet the parties in the labor market, the cooperation here is very important to us. So we definitely know our visiting time at Kongsberg Agenda. As partners, we also want to contribute to the further development of Kongsberg Agenda.
- We have been a partner since the beginning, and have seen the fantastic development Kongsberg Agenda has had from its humble beginnings to reaching new heights. Every year it is great to see the breadth of the program. We believe that success comes through cooperation between several players, and we will certainly continue this in the years to come.
CEO of Norsk Industri Harald Solberg is also a member of the program committee of Kongsberg Agenda.