How to use our program registration system
  • New fields and features Sverre Engelstad - Marked og Kommunikasjonssjef

    New fields and features

    Program registration opens on February 15th, and as an organizer, you can log into our online system and register your program items. The system is hopefully self-explanatory; we have created a built-in textual guide, but there may still be some questions about how it works and how to best fill in the information.

    It is important that you choose your words and images carefully to attract the right kind of attention to your program item. The program is extensive, so think about how your program item will stand out compared to all the others. Why should the audience choose your program item?

    Those who have used the system before will notice that there are some new features and options. The most important is a new design generator that allows you to quickly produce marketing materials for your program items, but there are also some new fields that will make it easier for organizers and the audience.