Many key issues on the agenda
Kongsberg Agenda invites you to an inspiring panel discussion and discussion at Agenda AfterTech on January 22nd from 1630-1730. Join us as Birger Steen - Nordic Semiconductor, Vincent Fleischer - Sintef, Paul Chaffey - Halogen, Anne Cecilie Lund-Andersen - Kongsberg Agenda and Liv Dingsør - Digital Norway, reflect on Kongsberg Agenda's main direction for 2025, Norway's role as a technology partner in a turbulent world. The panelists are key tech leaders and members of Kongsberg Agenda's program committee.
Relevant issues for the panel discussion:
- Does more technology create a society with greater differences?
- Has the welfare state made us too lazy to innovate?
- Do we need crises to innovate faster?
- Is development in Norway too slow?
- How do you create value from technology?
- What prerequisites need to be in place for more value from technology across industries?
- What factors affect Norwegian competitiveness, and where do we need to improve?
- Do we have good enough public-private cooperation in Norway between SMEs, public enterprises and research?
- Is there a "cold tech war" going on globally?
Read more about the main direction and the work of the program committee
Dates for Agenda AfterTech 2025
Agenda AfterTech is a series of 5 short afternoon events throughout 2025 organized by Norway's most important technology festival Kongsberg Agenda. We warm up with some of the most central issues that will be put on the Agenda 18-21 June 2025.
Time: 1630-1730. Doors open at 1600 and the venue is open for mingling until 1900. Address: Universitetsgata 2, 0164 Oslo.
Agenda AfterTech is organized on the following dates:
- 22 January
- 19 February
- 19 March
- 23 April
- 21 May
Information about the theme and registration will be sent approximately 1 month in advance of each event.