Q: We are partners, are we guaranteed a place? A: No, unfortunately. Partnership does not guarantee a place on any Agenda concept stages.
Q: Why not? Is it fair? A: Yes, we believe so. As the festival grows, our structure must give as many organizers as possible the opportunity to join the assessment.
Q: Is it possible to apply for all Agenda concept stages, including Ung and Parkscenen? A: Yes, you can apply for all concept stages, including Parkscenen. However, here a few more time slots are reserved and the criteria are stricter. Application for the TeXpo area also opens November. 15, but it has its own application form.
Q: What will be decisive for the selection? A: The quality of the content and the variety of topics on the stage in total will be decisive.
Q: As organizers, we need predictability, why do it this way? A: We know it is challenging not to know what to plan for. But this is essentially the same as we did for Kongsberg Agenda 2024 – just a little more formal and structured.
Q: The application deadline is unrealistic; can you extend it? A: No, unfortunately, and the reason is precisely predictability – we want organizers to get started with their work.
Q: We can’t plan properly if we don’t know if we have a stage? A: This is the best argument for having the application ready as soon as possible! Maybe it is possible to see this as a “tabletop exercise”, and at the same time think about alternative locations.
Q: This makes it impossible for us to plan to have content on the concept stages, is this what you want? A: Absolutely not, and we apologize if anyone feels that way. Please note that for some concept stages there are many more organizers who want time than available places.
Q: Won't this benefit organizers who know the arena well, and won't the festival miss out on new content? A: We know that some will want a "head start". But in that case, we are sure that the audience will enjoy great program entries. And for 2026, more organizers will be prepared.
Q: Why two application rounds, isn't this messy? A: Well, if you're not ready for the first round, you aim for the second. Having two rounds gives the administration the opportunity to start planning. We hope that the deadline generally motivates organizers to get started as early as possible.
Q: Won't this make organizers put their program entries on free stages? A: Well, we want the organizers to also "flood" the free stages - then it's up to Kongsberg Agenda to make the concept stages exciting and well-marketed enough to remain attractive.
Q: And are all time slots available for application? A: You are free to list any time slot in your application. However, some time slots will be locked by concerts, sound checks, Kongsberg Agenda entries etc. – and to ensure that we have something available for "must-haves" that may come up. We will try to provide information about locked time slots.
Q: Why do we have to apply in a separate form? This is inconvenient, do we have to write the same things twice? A: Our system for registering program entries will be improved and updated during this period. A tip is to have the application text in a word document so that you can cut and paste when it is time to register the program entry.
Q: How many details do we need to have ready, we can't possibly lock in all our panelists? A: We want to get a sense of what you are (realistically) aiming for. For example, don't list the Prime Minister as a participant, if it is completely unlikely to be able to get hold of him.
Q: We didn't get a place through the first application round, what happens to our application? A: The application portal remains open, so it will still be considered for round two – unless you actively withdraw it.
Q: What happens after February 15th if there are still available time slots? A: Then everyone is welcome to ask for a time and space through the contact person for the relevant Agenda concept scene. Then you don't need to use the application form.
Q: We've applied, so what now? Radio silence until it's decided? A: No, this starts a dialogue! It's not a secret, closed process, but a way to interact to find the best solutions.
Q: Our application has been accepted, with some adjustments, what happens now? A: It's threefold. First, you get a week to confirm. Second, you have a week from February 15th to register your program entry in our registration system. Third, you continue to plan and work to get everything in order.